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Memo to patients

Specialist consultations (initial appointments and examinations) are carried out according to the profiles of medical care provided by FSBI “NMRC RB” of the Ministry of Health of Russia in accordance with the approved schedule.

Consultations are carried out at the expense of the Compulsory Health Insurance scheme, personal funds of citizens and under contracts with legal entities (including contracts under the Voluntary Health Insurance scheme).

For consultations at the expense of the Compulsory Health Insurance scheme a referral for hospitalization according to form 057/у-04 (Annex No. 5 to Order No. 255 of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of 22.11.2004), a Compulsory Health Insurance policy and a passport are required.

Patients can make an appointment for a consultation (initial appointment, examination) at the Registration desk by phone: 8-499-277-01-08 or in person.
Admission procedures
A leaflet for citizens on the guarantee of free medical care.

Information about compulsory health insurance

On the protection of the rights of insured persons

Consumer protection law

Where to go if you have any complaints about free medical care.

If you have any complaints about procedures or the quality of medical services provided in health care institutions in Moscow region, you can contact:

The management of the health care institution To your insurer with the telephone number and address listed in your Compulsory Health Insurance policy

Territorial Fund of Compulsory Health Insurance in Moscow region (call centre) тел.: 8-(800)-707-05-61

To contact the Territorial compulsory medical insurance fund of Moscow region to protect your rights in the compulsory medical insurance system, you can use a template of an application form (application, complaint).

If you are not satisfied with the measures taken:

By the management of the healthcare institution,
contact the health department of the city (district) where the healthcare institution is located.
By a health insurance provider
contact the Territorial Fund of Compulsory Health Insurance in Moscow region and its branches at your place of residence.

The list of types of medical care financed through compulsory health insurance is defined in the Moscow regional compulsory health insurance programme, which is an integral part of the Moscow regional programme of state guarantees of free medical care for Russian citizens, approved by a regulation of the Government of the Moscow region.

Compulsory health insurance funds cover the entire range of necessary diagnostic and therapeutic measures that have been determined by the attending physician.

Violations of the rights of insured persons to health care under compulsory health insurance include:

Territorial programme of state guarantees of free medical care for citizens

  • Requirement to urgently replace the compulsory health insurance policy valid until 31.12.2010 or issued until 01.05.2011 with a unified compulsory health insurance policy in order to receive medical care.
  • Refusal to provide free medical care in accordance with compulsory health insurance schemes.
  • Refusal to provide free medical care for emergency and urgent conditions due to the absence of a compulsory health insurance policy.
  • Charging the patient (within the framework of voluntary health insurance during the period of receiving medical care or in the form of paid services) for the provided medical care, provided by the programmes of compulsory health insurance.
  • The need for the patient to purchase medicines included in the standard of medical care for the disease, drug formularies; included in the "List of Vital and Essential Medicines", and medical devices during inpatient treatment as prescribed by the doctor.
  • Restriction of the right to choose a medical institution from among the medical institutions operating in the sphere of compulsory health insurance.
  • Restriction of the right to choose a doctor in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation.
  • Failure to comply with the conditions for the provision of medical care, including the waiting period for medical care provided on a planned basis.
  • Violation of medical ethics and deontology by employees of a healthcare institution.
  • Unsatisfactory quality of free medical care provided.
  • Unsatisfactory sanitary and hygienic state of the medical institution.
  • Unlawful dissemination of personal data.

If their rights are violated when receiving medical care under a compulsory health insurance policy in the Moscow region, the insured persons have the right to apply to:

directly to the head or other official of the medical institution (deputy chief physician or head of the department) The insurance company that issued your compulsory health insurance policy (address and telephone number are provided in the policy) The Territorial Fund of Compulsory Health Insurance in Moscow region

The main role in protecting the rights and legitimate interests of insured persons in compulsory health insurance is played by health insurance providers.

If the rights of an insured person in the field of compulsory health insurance are violated, you must immediately contact the health insurance company that issued the compulsory health insurance policy.

Health insurance providers operating in the field of compulsory health insurance in Moscow region.

Health insurance providers

Contacts of the Territorial Fund of Compulsory Health Insurance in Moscow region and health insurance providers in Moscow region with which FSBI "NMRC RB" of the Ministry of Health of Russia has concluded contracts for the provision and payment of medical care under the compulsory health insurance scheme:

"RESO-MED Insurance Medical Company" LLC

Russian hotline telephone number
8 (800) 200-92-04

Russian hotline telephone number for Moscow
8 (496) 435-20-22


26 Uritsky str., Pavlovsky Posad, Moscow region, 142500

JSC "Medical Joint Stock Insurance Company" JSC "Max-M"

Hotline telephone number for Moscow region
8 (800) 555-50-03, 8 (495) 730-11-01

Hotline telephone number for Moscow
8 (499) 323-97-25


78, bld. 1 Kashirskoye Shosse, Moscow, 115409, Mon-Fri: 09:00 - 21:00, lunch: 13:15 - 14:00, Extra break: 18:00 - 18:15

"Medstrakh Medical Insurance Company" LLC

multi-line phone
8 (495) 777-23-23


17A, bld. 1B, Verkhnyaya Krasnoselskaya str., Moscow, 107140 Mon-Sun: 08.00 - 22.00

"SOGAZ-Med Insurance Company" JSC

Russia hotline telephone number
8 (800) 100-07-02

8 (495) 225-23-11


16, bld. 1, 2nd Yuzhnoportovy proezd, Moscow, 115432. Mon - Thu: 8:30 - 17:15; Fri: 8:30 - 16:00

"Capital Medical Insurance" LLC

Compulsory Health Insurance (CHI) hotline
8 (800) 100-81-02

8 (499) 142-73-348, 8 (495) 287-81-25


13, bldg. 19, Bolshaya Tatarskaya str., Moscow, 115184
23/8, bld. 1, Novozavodskaya str., Moscow, 121309 (Directorate)

Territorial Fund of Compulsory Health Insurance in Moscow region

8 (800) 707-05-61

+7 (495) 587-87-89 доб. 10-01, Department for Protection of the Rights of Insured Persons: 8 (495) 587-87-89 доб. 10-86, 10-79


Actual address:
46, bld. 1, Butyrskaya str., Moscow 127015

Address for citizens' enquiries:
4 Ordzhonikidze str., Balashikha, Moscow region, 143900. 1st Deputy Director Danilova Lyudmila, Mon - Thu: 09:00 - 17:45, Fri: 09:00 - 16:30 lunch: 13:00 - 13:30

The rights of insured persons to free medical care in areas other than their place of residence are protected by the territorial compulsory medical insurance funds in the area where the insured person receives his or her medical care. Addresses and telephone numbers of territorial compulsory medical insurance funds can be found on the website of the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund