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"Deep Relaxation and Stress Relief" programme
"Deep Relaxation and Stress Relief" programme

Wellness procedures promote relaxation, stress relief and figure shaping. The heat of the water penetrates deeply into the muscle tissues and stimulates blood circulation. The gentle effect of dry gas baths activates the lymphatic system, relieves tension and strengthens the immune system. Mineral baths have a tonic effect, improve skin condition, normalize the central nervous system, speed up metabolism and allow weight loss.

"Chronic Fatigue Syndrome" Programme
"Chronic Fatigue Syndrome" Programme

The programme has a relaxing effect, stabilizes the nervous system, reduces muscle pain, strengthens the body's immune system, reduces stress, irritability, depression, chronic fatigue, promotes general recovery and increases vitality.


"Healthy Skin, Long Remission" programme
"Healthy Skin, Long Remission" programme

The programme has an antioxidant, regenerating and strengthening effect, improves the texture and relief of the skin. It stimulates metabolism and blood circulation, normalizes skin nutrition, promotes regeneration of damaged areas and enhances immunity to environmental factors, including microorganisms. As a consequence of increasing the potential of cells responsible for local immunity, it accelerates cell renewal and skin rejuvenation.

"Healthy Heart and Vessels" programme
"Healthy Heart and Vessels" programme

The programme has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, purifies the blood, improves and protects the heart, helps normalize blood pressure, strengthens blood vessels, reduces headaches and meteosensitivity, reduces the risk of blood clots. In addition, the programme is aimed at preventing varicose veins, reducing the severity of vascular asterisks, vein patterns and edema in legs.

"Sleep Recovery" programme
"Sleep Recovery" programme

The treatments prescribed are aimed at relieving stress and tension. The programme will help to get rid of anxiety, insomnia, irritation and fatigue. The result is a recovery of healthy and sound sleep, improved memory and attention, and increased working capacity.


"Men's Health" programme
"Men's Health" programme

Men's health is the key to success in all areas of a man's life. To stay young, healthy and active at any age, the doctors of the Russian Ministry of Health have developed a special programme of examinations and consultations with specialists, taking into account age-related changes. Using a combination of therapies, unique procedures, and the latest medical advances, the programme makes it possible to reduce the effects and symptoms of male ageing and preserve the strength of the male organism for many years to come.

"Women's Health"programme
"Women's Health"programme

The basic programme is aimed at preventing diseases and possible risks to women's health. A team of experienced specialists will ensure comfort and professional service at every stage of the process. Trust our many years of experience and take care of your women's health.


"Weight loss" programmes
"Weight loss" programmes

Excess weight is not so much an aesthetic problem as an unbearable load on the body and its systems. Specialists of the National Medical Centre for Rehabilitation and Balneology of the Ministry of Health of Russia can help you regain slimness and normal weight. A team of experienced doctors, after a comprehensive diagnosis of the patient's body, draws up a personalized programme of nutrition, exercises and balneo-physiotherapeutic procedures.

"Healthy Back" programme
"Healthy Back" programme

The programme is aimed at strengthening the back muscles. A specially selected set of exercises and procedures is designed for any level of fitness and physical development, regardless of age. The programme is also a good prevention of musculoskeletal system diseases, helps to keep the spine healthy, improve posture, and feel the previous flexibility and ease.