Memo to patients
To receive a fee-based service, you need to apply to the registration desk to make a contract and make payment.
Payment for services is made in cash and by bank transfer in accordance with the list of fee-based medical and non-medical services and prices (price list).
- Under the voluntary health insurance (VHI) scheme;
- Under a contract with an individual;
- Under a contract with a legal entity acting on behalf of an individual.
In order to receive medical care under the VHI scheme, you need to make sure that your insurance company co-operates with our centre.
List of insurance companies - VHI partners:
Insurance Group "SOGAZ", Insurance public joint-stock company" Reso-Guarantiya", PJSC "Ingosstrakh", PJSC Insurance company "Rosgosstrakh", "VTB Strakhovaniye" LLC Insurance company, JSC "Insurance company MetLife", "Insurance company "Pomosch" LLC, Insurance Company Limited "VSK", JSC "AlfaStrakhovaniye", PJSC "Sak Energogarant", JSC "Insurance Business Group", "Alliance Life" Insurance Company.
Please contact your insurance company for a referral or letter of guarantee to our Centre and to agree on payment for medical services.
Contact phone for fee-based hospital admissions: +7 (499) 277-01-17