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Medical rehabilitation department for patients with somatic diseases No. 1

The department provides specialized medical care for patients with somatic diseases, in the field of medical rehabilitation, taking into account clinical recommendations and standards of medical care, who have prospects of recovering functions in the absence of contraindications for certain methods of rehabilitation. The specialists in the multidisciplinary team formulate an individual medical rehabilitation programme, taking into account evaluation of risk factors for rehabilitation measures and factors limiting rehabilitation measures.

The department provides rehabilitation of patients with cardiac pathology - after acute myocardial infarction (in the early and long terms), including, patients who underwent surgery on the heart and great vessels: aortocoronary, coronary artery stenting, prosthetic valves, aorta, etc., patients with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, after suffered acute stroke; with post-mastectomy syndrome, etc. The department is home to the "Treatment and Rehabilitation Centre for Osteoporosis and Metabolic Skeletal Diseases", which uses unique programmes to reduce the pain syndrome, to increase the range of movement and to restore quality of life in patients with fractures and motor limitations due to any form of osteoporosis.

The department offers state-of-the-art physical rehabilitation methods (biofeedback exercise therapy simulators, robotic mechanotherapy on block training simulators, cardiorespiratory exercises), individual/group exercise classes, medical massage techniques, including manual lymph drainage in patients with lymphovenous insufficiency, hardware massage, modern methods of physiotherapy, balneotherapy.


Ansokova Mariana Arkadiyevna

Head of the department, Physical and rehabilitation medicine doctor
Bezhdugova Diana Ruslanovna
Physical and rehabilitation medicine doctor, cardiologist, general practitioner
Bazarova Biligma Samandayevna
Physical and rehabilitation medicine doctor, cardiologist, acupuncturist& reflexologist
Gorshevikova Yulia Andreyevna
Physical and rehabilitation medicine doctor, neurologist
Goryaeva Alena Alekseyevna
Physical and rehabilitation medicine doctor, general practitioner, endocrinologist
Trepova Anastasiya Sergeyevna
Physical and rehabilitation medicine doctor, exercise therapy doctor
Saveliyeva Ekaterina Manzanbi
Physical and rehabilitation medicine doctor, exercise therapy doctor
Kolbaya Lia Irakliyevna
Physical and rehabilitation medicine doctor, doctor of physical therapy