Health schools for patients
Life expectancy is increasing around the world, and it is now the task of the physician to not only ensure a long life for their patients, but also to help them maintain a high quality of life and health throughout those years. For this reason, FSBI “NMRC RB” of the Ministry of Health of Russia offers regular educational programmes for patients.
Health school "Living without osteoporosis and fractures"
Health School for patients "Living without osteoporosis and fractures" is held in FSBI “NMRC RB” of the Ministry of Health of Russia once a month.
A free seminar at the Health School provides elderly patients with answers to important questions: what osteoporosis is and how it manifests itself, what the risk factors and causes are, why falls and fractures occur in old age and how they can be prevented. The principles of diet and exercise necessary to prevent osteoporosis and fractures will be explained with practical examples.
Health school "Living without osteoporosis and fractures" free of charge for everyone:
- complete a questionnaire on risk factors for osteoporosis and fractures;
- find out your risk level for fractures, which is calculated by an osteoporosis specialist;
- make an appointment with the specialists at the Osteoporosis centre.
Information programme for patients:
"What is osteoporosis and how to prevent it".
The classes are conducted by the head of the department of active longevity and endocrinology and the department of rehabilitation of patients with somatic diseases, the head of the Center for treatment and rehabilitation of patients with osteoporosis and metabolic skeletal diseases of FSBI “NMRC RB” of the Ministry of Health of Russia, member of the presidium of the Russian Association on Osteoporosis, Ph. Med., Marchenkova Larisa Aleksandrovna.
"Exercise for bones: an interactive session on preventing osteoporosis and fractures through exercising".
The classes are conducted by the head of the exercise therapy department of FSBI “NMRC RB” of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Ph. Med., Styazhkina Elena Mikhailovna.
Health school "for overweight and obese patients"
Health School for patients with overweight and obesity is held in FSBI “NMRC RB” of the Ministry of Health of Russia once a month.
The classes enable patients to learn why obesity is dangerous and why it needs to be treated, and how to develop good eating habits and lifestyle adjustments to not only lose weight safely, but also to avoid gaining weight for many years.
Health school "For overweight and obese patients" free of charge for everyone:
- measure your weight and calculate your body mass index;
- complete a questionnaire on risk factors for diseases related to overweight and obesity;
- a risk assessment for sleep disorders and sleep apnoea.
Information programme for patients:
"Obesity as a disease: what makes it dangerous and why it needs to be treated".
Classes are conducted by the head of the active longevity and endocrinology department and the department for rehabilitation of patients with somatic diseases, Larisa Marchenkova, PhD. Med.
"Modern opportunities for effective weight loss: fast and forever!".
The interactive seminar is conducted by a researcher from the department of active longevity and endocrinology of FSBI "NMRC RB" of the Ministry of Health of Russia, an endocrinologist, Valeria Aleksandrovna.
Location of the classes of the Health School for patients:
32, Novy Arbat Street, 3rd floor, room 341, Moscow.
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Кузюкова А.А.
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Гигинейшвили Г.Р.
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Попов А.И.
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Одарущенко О.И.
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Основы биохакинга для поддержания здоровья
Гущина Н.В.
Методы закаливания
Васильева В.А.
Самоконтроль при сахарном диабете
Нувахова М.Б.
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Колышенков В.А.
Видеоанализ ходьбы
Кончугова Т.В.
Домашняя физиотерапия
Вальцева Е.А.
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Кияткин В.А.
Эректильная дисфункция у мужчин
Пёхова Я.Г.
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Поддержка процессов детоксикации организма.
Чесникова Е.И.
Смарт-технологии в медицинской реабилитации
Гущина Н.В.
Лечебно-профилактические возможности общей криотерапии
Никифорова Т.И.
Артериальная гипертензия
Одарущенко О.И.
Лечение тревожных расстройств невротического уровня методами немедикаментозной терапии
Гильмутдинова И.Р.
Антивозрастная медицина. Принципы и подходы
Follow the announcements on the website of FSBI "NMRC RB" of the Ministry of Health of Russia about the schedule of Health Schools for patients.
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