Exercise therapy
Exercise therapy (Rehabilitation and strengthening exercises) - a scientific, practical, medical and pedagogical discipline that studies the fundamentals and methods of using the means of physical training for the treatment, rehabilitation and prevention of various diseases.
Exercise therapy is not only a therapeutic and preventive measure, but also a therapeutic and educational process. Exercise therapy fosters the patient's conscious attitude and active participation in the treatment and rehabilitation processes.
The patient's participation in the treatment is based on teaching the patient to exercise. In this context, physical therapy is not only a therapeutic but also a pedagogical process.
The target of exercise therapy is a patient with all the characteristics of reactivity and the functional state of the body.
Robot-assisted mechanotherapy is an innovative rehabilitation method for patients with various diseases of the central nervous system and locomotor system organs, which uses the latest rehabilitation devices, enabling patients to return to normal life and prevent disability.
The concept of this method is to use special robotic constructions to train the functions of the upper and lower limbs with feedback.
The advantage of the robotic assisted therapy is that it achieves a better quality of exercises than traditional therapeutic exercises due to the following factors:
- longer duration of exercise;
- the high precision of the cyclical, repetitive movements;
- an unvarying, regular exercise programme;
- procedures to evaluate the effectiveness of the exercises and the possibility to demonstrate them to the patient.
The unit offers a unique, unprecedented diagnostic programme "Motor Activities: Functional Condition of the Musculoskeletal System", which has no equivalents both in Russia and abroad.
The programme of a comprehensive multifactor evaluation of locomotor system functions developed in the Unit includes: anthropometric measurements, functional tests, impedance measuring, tensometry, dynamometry, stabilometry, electromyography, biomechanical and posturographic gait video analysis.
This comprehensive diagnostics allows for accurate and objective measurements in all three planes, aimed at evaluating the flexibility and muscle strength of the leading anti-gravity muscle groups, static and dynamic movement coordination; to evaluate the functional status of all major joints of the upper and lower limbs and torso, accurately determining not only the load, but also the speed and amplitude of the movements in real time; to objectively analyze neuromuscular and biomechanical movement parameters, including movement analysis of different body segments: analysis of posture, gait, upper limb movements (rotational, swinging, grasping, etc.).
With biomechanical diagnostics, it is possible not only to determine individual features of motor stereotypes, but also, based on the data obtained in the course of measurements, to develop an individual algorithm for correcting the identified disorders and to select the necessary training programme.
The diagnostic programme "Motor Activities: Functional Condition of the Musculoskeletal System" is now an indispensable aid for your fitness trainer, a doctor in sports medicine and an attending physician.
Manual therapy is a method of treatment and diagnosis representing the effects of the therapist's hands on the patient's body. The techniques focus mainly on the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system manifesting as functional joint blockages, hypermobility and regional postural muscle imbalances, and internal organs.
• Traction therapy
• Joint and soft-tissue techniques of manual therapy and osteopathy (post-isometric relaxation, post-isotonic relaxation, post-reciprocal relaxation, and others)
• All types and techniques of manual and hardware massage used in the prevention of diseases, treatment and medical rehabilitation
Over the years, the Centre's exercise therapy and massage unit has been run by such renowned specialists as professors S.M. Dukhovskoy, L.V. Feldman, V.N. Moshkov, N.A. Belaya, O.F. Kuznetsov, M.A. Eremushkin, and E.M. Styazhkina. Since 2021 it has been a part of the Department of Medical Rehabilitation, where experienced highly qualified staff continues to work - doctors, holders of the degree of Ph.D., doctors of the highest category, specialists in the field of exercise therapy and sports medicine, manual therapy.