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NMRC Rehabilitation and Balneology of the Ministry of Health of Russia invites you to take part in the V Congress "Sanatorium and Spa Industry. Science. Results"

NMRC Rehabilitation and Balneology of the Ministry of Health of Russia invites you to take part in the V Congress "Sanatorium and Spa Industry. Science. Results"

27 November 2023 # News of the centre

On December 5, 2023, National Medical Research Centre for Rehabilitation and Balneology of the Ministry of Health of Russia and the National Association of Experts in Spa Treatment supported by "Expocentre" JSC will hold the V Congress "Spa Industry. Science. Results" within the framework of the International Scientific and Practical Forum "Russian Healthcare Week - 2023".

In addition, "Expocentre" Fairgrounds (Pavilion 7, Hall 2, Mars Business Hall) on 5 December 2023 will host a meeting of the specialized commission on spa treatment of the Ministry of Health of Russia, a scientific and practical conference "Natural Therapeutic Resources as a Tool to Increase the Attractiveness of Sanatorium and Spa Institutions" and a master class for nursing staff of sanatorium and spa complexes "Rules and Special Features of Balneotherapy, Hydrotherapy and Various Types of Instrumental Physiotherapy".

"Russian Healthcare Week is a traditional and significant event in our country. For many years, NMRC for Rehabilitation and Balneology of the Ministry of Health of Russia has been actively participating in this forum. The V Congress "Sanatorium and Spa Industry. Science. Results" will bring together leading professionals and experts of the medical community, representatives of federal and regional authorities, and heads of public and private medical institutions to exchange experience and knowledge. The scientific programme will be devoted to the issues of modern legislation in the spa industry, including Federal Law of 04.08.2023 No. 469-ФЗ, and to the issues of implementation of the main areas of the Strategy for the development of the sanatorium and spa complex of the Russian Federation", - said Acting Director of NMRC for Rehabilitation and Balneology of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Dr. Sci. (Medicine), Associate Professor, Anatoly Fesyun.

Also, within the framework of the International Scientific and Practical Forum "Russian Healthcare Week - 2023" the VI International Exhibition "MedTravelExpo-2023. Sanatoria. Spas. Medical Centres" will take place. The exposition will be based on stands reflecting the development of medicine, including the development and promotion of high tech products and services in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, presenting innovative medical products, as well as the best clinics, medical centres and sanatoria and spas.

Visitors to the stand of NMRC for Rehabilitation and Balneology of the Ministry of Health of Russia will learn about medical rehabilitation, sanatorium and spa treatment programmes, as well as about the latest wellness practices.

We invite you to take part in the V Congress "Sanatorium and Spa Industry. Science. Results".

The e-ticket is free of charge. Registration link:
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