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Research and methodological councils
Research and methodological council of FSBI “NMRC RB” of the Ministry of Health of Russia on the issues of restorative medicine, sports medicine, exercise therapy, balneology and physiotherapy

Research and methodological council of FSBI “NMRC RB” of the Ministry of Health of Russia on the issues of restorative medicine, sports medicine, exercise therapy, balneology and physiotherapy is a permanent collective body set up to organize, coordinate and monitor the research, training and methodological work of the Centre.

Members of the Research and methodological council, its chairperson and secretary are appointed by the order of the director of the Center and are made up of the leading specialists of the Centre in the relevant fields of its scientific and practical activities.

The main tasks of the Research and methodological council are to review plans and conduct approbations of dissertation research carried out at the Centre, to examine the scientific products of the Centre, the Centre's feedback as the leading institution on materials of dissertations and research and practice works of the relevant institutions on the problems of these institutions.

In order to fulfil its tasks the Research and methodological council organizes and carries out the review and examination of submitted materials and documents, reviews the submitted abstracts of plans and conducts approbations of dissertations at its meetings.

Upon positive results of the review of the submitted materials and dissertations, the Research and methodological council recommends them for approval by the Academic council or Dissertation council of the Centre.

The activities of the Research and methodological council are based on the orders and instructions of the Centre and the provision on the Council.

Order No. 180 of 09.06.2020 approving the Provision on the Research and methodological council on the issues of restorative medicine, sports medicine, exercise therapy, balneology and physiotherapy in FSBI “NMRC RB” of the Ministry of Health of Russia
Order No. 51 of 31.01.2022 On amendments to order No. 180 of 09.06.2020
Order No. 205 of 03.04.2023 On amendments to order No. 180 of 09.06.2020
Members of the research and methodological council
Tatiana Venediktovna Konchugova
Dr. habil. Med, professor,
Chairperson of the council
Detelina Borisovna Kulchitskaya
Dr. habil. Med, professor,
Vice-chairperson of the council
Larisa Aleksandrovna Marchenkova
Dr. habil. Med., Secretary of the Council
Members of the research and methodological council
Lev Georgiyevich Agasarov
Dr. habil. Med, professor
Tatiana Aleksandrovna Knyazeva
Dr. habil. Med, professor
Yuri Nikolayevich Korolev
Dr. habil. Med, professor
Natalia Gennadiyevna Kulikova
Dr. habil. Med, professor
Elena Anatoliyevna Rozhkova
Dr. habil. Biology, professor
Reonold Minovich Filimonov
Dr. habil. Med, professor
Aleksey Egorovich Samorukov
Dr. habil. Med., associate professor
Mikhail Vladimirovich Nikitin
Dr. habil. Med., Dr. habil. Ec.
Maxim Yuriyevich Yakovlev
Dr. habil. Med.
Svetlana Alekseyevna Gusarova
MD, PhD, associate professor
Vladimir Aleksandrovich Kiyatkin
MD, PhD, associate professor
Elena Mikhailovna Styazhkina
MD, PhD, associate professor
Tatiana Valeriyevna Apkhanova
Natalia Vladimirovna Kotenko
Anna Aleksandrovna Kuzyukova
Margarita Borisovna Nuvakhova
Boris Viktorovich Zeitler