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Dissertation council

Dissertation council at FSBI “National Medical Research Centre for Rehabilitation and Balneology” of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation was established on 14 May 2022. Order No 369/нк of the Russian Ministry of Science and Higher Education of 13 April 2022.

Dissertation council is authorized to approve for defense PhD and Doctoral theses in the field of scientific speciality 3.1.33 3.1.33. Restorative medicine, sports medicine, exercise therapy, balneology and physiotherapy (biological sciences, medical sciences).

Members of the dissertation council
Anatoly Dmitriyevich Fesyun
Doctor habil. Medicine, associate professor
(3.1.33., medical sciences) (chairperson)
Larisa Aleksandrovna Marchenkova
Doctor habil. Medicine (3.1.33., medical sciences) (academic secretary)
Lev Georgiyevich Agasarov
Doctor habil. Medicine, associate professor (3.1.33., biological sciences)
Tatyana Valeryevna Apkhanova
Doctor habil. Medicine, (3.1.33., biological sciences)
Evgeny Vladimirovich Goloborodko
Doctor habil. Medicine, (3.1.33., biological sciences)
Denis Viktorovich Kovlen
Doctor habil. Medicine, (3.1.33., medical sciences)
Olga Mikhailovna Konova
Doctor habil. Medicine, associate professor (3.1.33., medical sciences)
Tatiana Venediktovna Konchugova
Doctor habil. Medicine, professor (3.1.33., medical sciences)
Yuri Nikolayevich Korolev
Doctor habil. Medicine, professor (3.1.33., biological sciences)
Detelina Borisovna Kulchitskaya
Doctor habil. Medicine, professor (3.1.33., medical sciences)
Mikhail Vladimirovich Nikitin
Doctor habil. Medicine (3.1.33., medical sciences)
Ordzhonikidze Zurab Giviyevich
Doctor habil. Medicine, (3.1.33., biological sciences)
Oleg Valeryevich Remizov
Doctor habil. Medicine, (3.1.33., biological sciences)
Elena Anatoliyevna Rozhkova
Doctor habil. Biology (3.1.33., biological sciences)
Nino Vladimirovna Sichinava
Doctor habil. Medicine, доцент (3.1.33., medical sciences)
Andrey Vadimovich Smolensky
Doctor habil. Medicine, professor (3.1.33., medical sciences)
Maksim Yuriyevich Yakovlev
Doctor habil. Medicine (3.1.33., biological sciences)
Announcements of theses defence
Dissertation council
Olga Olegovna Borisevich " Natural and preformed physical factors application at the stage of pregravidar preparation in chronic endometritis"
Mariana Arkadiyevna Ansokova "VR technologies and biofeedback mechanotherapy in the rehabilitation of patients with the after effects of the new coronavirus COVID-19 infection"
Andrey Aleksandrovich Benkov "Development of a model for evaluation and forecasting of the effectiveness of combined application of therapeutic physical factors in personalized programmes of non-drug therapy"
Mark Vladimirovich Ivanov "Radial shockwave therapy in the treatment of athletes with lateral epicondylitis"
Evgeny Vladimirovich Goloborodko "Development and justification of a system of expert evaluation of medical technologies for highly skilled athletes"
Valeria Aleksandrovna Vasiliyeva "A comprehensive method for the correction of motor and metabolic disorders in obese patients"
Vasily Andreyevich Kolyshenkov "VR technology in the rehabilitation of patients with rotator cuff injuries"
Tatiana Valeriyevna Apkhanova "Personalised use of comprehensive medical rehabilitation techniques in patients with chronic lymphoedema of the lower limbs"
Ruslan Kamilovich Urazbakhtin "Efficacy of dispersed alloplant biomaterial in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee joint"
Gleb Gennadiyevich Kuzminov "Mesodiencephalic modulation in the complex treatment of distal diabetic polyneuropathy"
Dissertation council
E.V. Makarova. "Improving the medical rehabilitation programme for patients with vertebral body compression fractures with osteoporosis"
M.Y. Yakovlev “Simulation of meteopathic reactions of the organism and substantiation of their rehabilitation correction in common diseases of the circulatory system"
Sofia Vladimirovna Vakulenko "The effectiveness of isometric exercises in patients with dorsopathies at the stage of motor stereotype correction"
Aleksey Ivanovich Bokov "Vacuum-interference therapy in the complex treatment of patients with chronic bacterial prostatitis"
Anna Andreyevna Kish "Development and justification of the model characteristics of the athletes of the Russian national rowing team"
Larisa Aleksandrovna Marchenkova "Comprehensive rehabilitation programme for patients with osteoporotic fractures"
Mikhail Aleksandrovich Bragin "Methodology for assessing the thermal state of an athlete in high temperature conditions"
Aleksey Anatoliyevich Chigarev "Effectiveness of complex application of local injection and shockwave therapy for lumbosacral dorsopathy"
Yaroslav Alekseyevich Solovyov "Effectiveness of application of preformed physical factors in medical rehabilitation of patients with corneal ulcers"
Natalia Valeriyevna Molodovskaya "Application of electromagnetic waves of infrared range with terahertz modulation in patients in the acute period of ischemic stroke"
Sergey Nikolayevich Akulov "Complex application of preformed physical factors in retinal complications after cataract phacoemulsification in patients with high myopia"
Yevgeny Sergeyevich Kulagin "Comprehensive rehabilitation of patients with minimally invasive knee joint interventions"
Regulatory documents
Order No. 2288/нк of 12.12.2023 "On amendments to the membership of the Dissertation councils for PhD and doctoral theses, established on the basis of educational institutions of higher education and research institutions"
Order No. 216/нк of 14.02.2023 “On introduction of changes in the membership of Dissertation councils for PhD and doctoral theses, established on the basis of educational institutions of higher education and research institutions”
Order No.200-/1 of 07.06.2022 "On amendments to order of 29.05.2020 No. 171 "On the organization of the proceedings of the Dissertation council for PhD and doctoral theses of FSBI “NMRC RB” of the Ministry of Health of Russia”
Provision on the Dissertation council for PhD and doctoral theses
Passport of scientific speciality 3.1.33. “Restorative medicine, sports medicine, exercise therapy, balneology and physiotherapy”. (branch of science - medical)
Passport of scientific speciality 3.1.33. “Restorative medicine, sports medicine, exercise therapy, balneology and physiotherapy”. (branch of science - medical)
Provision on the procedure of registration of persons for PhD thesis preparation without completing postgraduate training programmes for academic and teaching staff in FSBI “NMRC RB” of the Ministry of Health of Russia
Order No. 734 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of 22.06.2020. “On the specifics of the organization of the proceedings of the Dissertation councils council for PhD and doctoral theses”
Application form sample to present your thesis
Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 118 of 24.02.2021 “On approval of the list of scientific specialities for which academic degrees are awarded”
Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 561 of 03.06.2021 “On Dissertation councils for PhD and doctoral theses”
Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 458 of 07.06.2021 “On amendments to the Provision on the Dissertation council for PhD and doctoral theses, approved by Order No. 1093 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of November 10, 2017”
Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation №666 of 07.07.2021 “On introduction of changes in the membership of Dissertation councils for PhD and doctoral theses, established on the basis of educational institutions of higher education and research institutions”

The Dissertation Council, at its meeting on 25 September 2023 at 14.00, will consider the issue of depriving Olga Viktorovna Yakovleva of the academic degree of Ph. D. (Medicine).
The meeting of the Dissertation Council will be held at the address: Borisoglebsky lane, 9, bld. 1, Moscow 121069.
(posted on the website on 08.09.2023).

The Dissertation Council, at its meeting of 25.09.2023, minutes No.7 adopted a negative decision to deprive Olga Viktorovna Yakovleva of the academic degree of Ph. D. (Medicine).
(posted on the website on 26.09.2023)

The Dissertation Council at its meeting on 25 September 2023 at 14.30 will consider the issue of depriving Larisa Stanislavovna Bulatetskaya of the academic degree of Ph. D. (Medicine).
The meeting of the Dissertation Council will be held at the address: Borisoglebsky lane, 9, bld. 1, Moscow 121069.
(posted on the website on 08.09.2023).

The Dissertation Council, at its meeting of 25.09.2023, minutes No. 8 adopted a positive decision to deprive Larisa Stanislavovna Bulatetskaya of the academic degree of Ph. D. (Medicine).
(posted on the website on 26.09.2023)

On March 17, 2021 at 14.00 at the meeting of the Dissertation council D 208.060.02 the issue of depriving Evgeny Nikolayevich Chmyr of the academic degree of PhD in Medicine (01.03.2021) will be considered.

A negative decision to deprive Chmyr E.N. of the academic degree of PhD in Medicine (19.03.2021) was adopted at the meeting of Dissertation Council D 208.060.02 on 17.03.2021 (Minutes № 3).

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation “On refusal to deprive E.N. Chmyr of an academic degree”. No. 1065/нк of 20.10.2021

Larisa Aleksandrovna Marchenkova

Doctor habil. Medicine