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R&D directorate
Structure of R&D directorate
  • Research and organizational department;
  • International relations and public activities department;
  • Physiotherapy and reflexology department;
  • Department of orthopaedics, biomechanics, kinesitherapy and manual therapy;
  • Department of somatic rehabilitation, reproductive health and active longevity;
  • Department of neurorehabilitation and clinical psychology;
  • Biomedical technologies department:

    • Cell technologies laboratory;

  • Department for study of the action mechanisms of physical factors.
The main areas of activity of the R&D directorate:
  • Academic supervision and coordination of R&D activities on the most relevant and important scientific problems, formulation of their ultimate goals, forecasting of expected results.
  • Integration of the Institution's research in the most important complex scientific areas into medical practice.
  • Interaction with the constituent entities of the Russian Federation with respect to research and development conducted by the Institution.
  • Interaction with the Institution's branches with respect to R&D conducted by the Institution. Improving the quality of medical care in the branches.
  • Planning and working on the organization of activities aimed at improving the quality of medical care on the basis of the Institution.
  • Identification of potentially promising young scientific and academic teaching staff for the purpose of their training and specialization in the major research and clinical centres of Russia and abroad. Creation of a data bank of scientific achievements of the Institution's staff members.
  • Development of international scientific co-operation for the purpose of experience exchange, introduction of the global best practices in the field of medical rehabilitation and sanatorium and spa treatment.