Disclosure of information
Information about income, costs, property and property-related obligations
- Information about income, costs, property and property-related obligations 2018.
- Information about income, costs, property and property-related obligations 2019.
- Information about income, costs, property and property-related obligations 2020.
- Information about income, costs, property and property-related obligations 2021.

Provision of medicines
- List of vital and essential medicines for medical use
- List of medicines for the provision of persons with haemophilia, cystic fibrosis, pituitary dwarfism, Gaucher's disease, malignant tumours of lymphoid, haematogenous and related tissues, multiple sclerosis and persons after organ and/or tissue transplantation
- List of medicinal products for medical use, including medicinal products for medical use prescribed by decision of medical commissions of medical institutions
- List of pharmaceuticals sold to the population in accordance with the List of population groups and disease categories, for whose outpatient treatment pharmaceuticals and medical devices are sold on prescription free of charge, and in accordance with the List of population groups, for whose outpatient treatment pharmaceuticals are sold on prescription at a 50 per cent discount
Budgetary reporting
- Annual budgetary reporting